

Our product concepts to design modern working environments are comprehensive and matching.

Product systems


Locker cabinet System

sum move

sum move System

paravento hub

Partitioning system paravento hub System


ophelis sum System


ophelis docks System


sum move stool

sum move armchair

ophelis docks docks mobile two- seater

ophelis docks docks mobile one- seater

Partitioning system paravento hub Servicepoint

Partitioning system paravento hub Wardrobe

Partitioning system paravento hub Phone Booth

Partitioning system paravento hub Think Tank

Partitioning system paravento hub Compartments

ophelis docks Cushions

ophelis docks Wing Chairs

ophelis docks Stools

ophelis docks Laptable Floor

ophelis docks Tables

ophelis docks Benches

ophelis docks Standing Benches

ophelis docks High Benches

ophelis docks Benches

ophelis docks Layouts

ophelis sum Three-seater

ophelis sum Single-seater

ophelis sum Compartments

ophelis sum Two-seater

ophelis docks Single-seater

ophelis docks Standing tables with box

ophelis docks Armchairs

ophelis docks Two-seater

ophelis docks Sofas

Partner products
