

Our product concepts to design modern working environments are comprehensive and matching.

Product systems

CL2 Series

CL2 Series System

CN Series

CN Series System


CL2 Series Sitting/standing table with back partition and sliding table top

CN Series Sitting/standing table with back partition and sliding table top

CN Series Sitting/standing table with nest

CL2 Series Sitting/standing table with nest

CL2 Series Sitting/standing table with back partition

CL2 Series Sitting/standing table with sliding table top

CL2 Series Sitting/standing table

CN Series Sitting/standing table with back partition

CN Series Sitting/standing table with sliding table top

CN Series Sitting/standing table

ophelis docks Standing Benches

ophelis docks High Benches

CN Series Sitting/standing table with organization rail

ophelis docks Standing tables with box

Partner products
