Orgatec 2018
Orgatec 2018

Orgatec 2018

ophelis – Everything in motion

What sort of environment will the working culture of the future need? How should office landscapes be set up to express the various working modes and different moods? How can project work be supported and how do inspiring work environments come into being?How does an organisation stay flexible and create a special corporate culture for itself?

Join us and experience the ways in which office landscapes, that give answers to these questions, can be designed. You can look forward to seeing our product concepts, which we will present. Visit us in Cologne at the Orgatec from 23 to 27 October 2018 Hall 9.1, Booth C 059 / B 058

Alles in Bewegung – hier einige Impressionen von der Messe.

Fragestellungen auf die ophelis auf der orgatec Antworten gab

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